Marilyn S. Mobley, David Fleshler co-author article for ”Insight Into Diversity”

Marilyn MobleyDavid FleshlerMarilyn S. Mobley, vice president of the Office for Inclusion, Diversity and Equal Opportunity, and David Fleshler, associate provost for International Affairs, co-authored an article for the June 2015 edition of Insight Into Diversity.

The article focuses on the importance of collaboration between university diversity officers and international officers.

In the article, Fleshler and Mobley note that at Case Western Reserve University, the chief diversity officer and the senior international officer “have developed strategic plans for their respective offices that iterate their interconnectedness in the university’s priorities and include partnering on various intellectual and programmatic initiatives, as well as developing new ways to collaborate.”

Mobley and Flesher detailed ways in which their offices collaborate and note that often their offices deal with similar issues because both students of color and international students face some of the same challenges as underrepresented groups on university campuses.

The article appears in the June 2015 issue of Insight Into Diversity, available online at