Mandel School’s Book and Author series continues Oct. 31 with look at gender identity, photography

The Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences’ Book and Author Program Series continues Oct. 31 with a talk titled “Exploring Gender Identity with Photography: A Multi-Level Approach.”

In her talk, Sana Loue, a professor of bioethics in the School of Medicine with secondary appointments in the global health and psychiatry departments and the Mandel School, will present a chapter she wrote for the book Expressive Therapies for Sexual Issues: a Social Work Perspective. Loue served as co-editor of the recently released book and wrote two chapters, including “Exploring Gender Identity with Photography: A Multi-Level Treatment Approach.”

The book aims to help social-work practitioners move beyond both often-accepted constructions of sexuality and the range of methods that are available to social workers in their clinical practice.

Loue’s talk will be held Oct. 31 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Community Studies Center (formerly the Mandel Center for Nonprofit Organizations). The event is open to the public, but a $15 fee for the event will be charged. The fee covers parking for all, as well as a certificate for 1.5 continuing education units for social workers.

Click here to register.