Homecoming weekend: LGBT Welcome Reception

Homecoming and Family Weekend 2023 at Case Western Reserve University will be held Oct. 12–15 with a variety of events.

All members of the campus community are invited to celebrate the university’s LGBT students and alumni during the LGBT Welcome Reception Saturday, Oct. 14, from 4 to 6 p.m. in Samson Pavilion, Room 176.

Attendees will have the chance to hear inspiring stories and engage in meaningful conversations. Beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be provided.

To register for this and other homecoming events visit the homecoming registration page and:

  1. Put in your name along with some contact and dietary information (do the same for any guests that will be attending with you).
  2. Select the “Affinity Alumni” Package from the dropdown and click the blue select button; and
  3. Make your decision (per event) on attending or not attending with any additional actions.

Learn more about homecoming.