Learn more about Health Improvement Partnership (HIP)-Cuyahoga at Sept. 26 community day event

The Health Improvement Partnership (HIP)-Cuyahoga will hold a Community Day Saturday, Sept. 26, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. at Shaw High School (15320 Euclid Ave., East Cleveland).

HIP-Cuyahoga is a diverse group of people and organizations who care about the health of everyone in Cuyahoga County. Cuyahoga County’s urban residents suffer from poor health and live decades less than their suburban neighbors. HIP-Cuyahoga works to give everyone the same chance to be healthy so the community can be healthier too.

The Prevention Research Center for Healthy Neighborhoods is the anchor organization for HIP-Cuyahoga’s Healthy Eating, Active Living Initiative.

For more information or to register, visit ccbh.info/hipc/2015/07/31/healthmattersherecommunityday.