Learn about religious life of Samuel Johnson at March 28 talk

Katherine Kickel, an associate professor of English at Miami University, will speak about the life and contributions of Samuel Johnson, an 18th-century religious citizen who left a remarkable legacy of essays, prayers and sermons.

Kickel will give the talk, “Dr. Johnson at Prayer,” during the Case Western Reserve University English Colloquium on Friday, March 28, at 3 p.m. in the Guilford House Parlor. The event is free and open to the public.

Kickel, a scholar of 17th- and 18th-century British literature, is the author of Novel Notions: Medical Discourse and the Mapping of Imagination in Eighteenth-Century Fiction. She also has had essays published in numerous publications, such as The Age of Johnson, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, and Scriblerian.

For information, email Susan Dumbrys in the CWRU English department at susan.dumbrys@case.edu.