Lead gift from Marian K. Freedman yields $1 million funding for library’s Freedman Center

Kelvin Smith LibraryAfter several years as a leading resource for digital scholarship and teaching, the Kelvin Smith Library (KSL) has secured $1 million to raise its performance even higher.

Marian K. Freedman and her family funded an additional gift of $500,000 to the Samuel B. and Marian K. Freedman Library Endowment fund conditional on matching gifts from other university contributors. Matching funds have been secured, making the total endowment $1 million. President Barbara R. Snyder took a leadership role in ensuring the fundraising project reached its goal.

“Words cannot convey the depth of our thanks to Marian and her sons, Walter and Howard, for the continued dedication that they have shown to the Kelvin Smith Library,” said Arnold Hirshon, associate provost and university librarian. “Their gift will secure an everlasting legacy for the benefit for our faculty and students.”

Prior to this most recent generous gift, Samuel B. and Marian K. Freedman had provided over $775,000 to create and support the present Freedman Center at KSL. That center has been very successful and is a vibrant part of the library. With this additional funding secured, the new Freedman Center for Digital Scholarship will be rededicated with a greatly expanded scope of services and capabilities.

Marian Freedman commented: “We are happy to continue our family’s giving to the library and to the university. Walter and Howard join me in enthusiastically providing this gift with trust and belief that it will take the Freedman Center for Digital Scholarship to an even greater position serving students, faculty and alumni at KSL.”

In its new form and vision, the Freedman Center will provide additional support to students and faculty as well as engage in collaborative projects with individual schools and departments. The Freedman Center will extend its reach through electronic communication such as video conferences.

Among the plans for the Freedman family gift are the appointment of discipline-based specialists and consultative spaces to support faculty and students; acquisition of state-of-the-art hardware, software and database systems; and increased internal grant support for faculty who are engaged in digital scholarship.

To learn more about giving opportunities to the Kelvin Smith Library, visit library.case.edu/ksl/whoweare/give/.

To learn more about Forward Thinking: The Campaign for Case Western Reserve University, visit case.edu/forwardthinking.