Law’s Ruqaiijah Yearby presents on health, race

yearbyRuqaiijah Yearby, professor of law and associate director of the Law-Medicine Center, recently presented on health and race at Case Western Reserve University and in San Francisco, Calif.

She served as a panelist and moderator at the School of Law on the topic of “Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired: Putting an End to Separate and Unequal Health Care in the United States 50 Years After the Civil Rights Act of 1964” in March.

As an invited speaker at the University of California Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, Yearby spoke on the topic “Social Determinants of Health: Insurance is Not Enough to Put an End to Racial Disparities in Health Status and Access to Health Care” June 7.

She also presented “Health Disparities: Race is Never the Cause, Nor the Answer” as the invited speaker at the School of Medicine June 28.