Law’s Juscelino Colares publishes, presents on carbon-restrictive reforms, free trade benefits

Juscelino F. Colares, professor of law and associate director of the Frederick K. Cox International Law Center, recently weighed in on prominent topics through writing and presenting.

His articles “Global Implications of Subglobal Carbon-Restricting Regimes” and “Paths to Carbon Stabilization: How Foreign Carbon-Restrictive Reforms Will Affect US Industry, Climate Policy and the Prospects of a Binding Emission Reduction Treaty, 47.2” will be featured in the Georgetown International Environmental Law Review and the Journal of World Trade, respectively.

Colares also delivered a talk last fall, titled “Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations: ‘Free Trade’ to Benefit All or Just a Few?” The talk was sponsored by Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice Northeast Ohio; American Friends Service Committee; and Cleveland Jobs with Justice, and hosted by Case Western Reserve University School of Law.