Law school to host daylong event on “Presidential Power, Foreign Affairs and the 2012 Election”

On Sept. 7, the law school will host the Frederick K. Cox International Law Center War Crimes Research Symposium, titled “Presidential Power, Foreign Affairs and the 2012 Election.”

The daylong symposium, held from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the moot courtroom (A59), will feature Harvard Law Professor Jack Goldsmith, former assistant attorney general for the Office of the Legal Counsel, and other former government officials and academics.

The symposium will explore the contemporary debate over the foreign affairs powers of the president. Two dozen former high-level government officials and leading academics will discuss: Presidential Power in a War without End; The War Powers Resolution at 40; Rendition and Targeted Killings of Americans; The President’s Power to Manage International Economic Affairs; The President’s Power to Implement International Law after Medellin v. Texas; and Comparing the Approach of the Presidential Candidates.

Attendees must register online by Friday, Aug. 31. A webcast will be live or available afterward for viewing at

The event is free and open to the public, though CLE credit is available for $200 ($100 for alumni).