School of Law faculty members have appeared around the world as presenters recently. Visiting associate professor Michael Benza gave the keynote speech for the Geauga County Bar Association’s Law Day on “The Rule of Law and Defense of the Rights of the Accused,” while assistant professor Irina Manta served as an invited Conference Fellow for the Modest Proposals 4.0 conference at Cardozo Law School in New York City.

Additionally, law and bioethics professor Sharona Hoffman was a panelist on “Bridging the Gender Wage Gap” at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission seminar in Cleveland, discussed “E-Health Hazards: Provider Liability and Electronic Health Record Systems” at the Case Western Reserve University Visiting Committee; and spoke on “Making the Most of Your Writing” at the Women Faculty Leadership Development Institute at the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women.

Law professor Richard Gordon gave a featured presentation to the International Corporate Registers Forum in Singapore. The presentation, titled “The Misuse of Corporate Vehicles Project: The role of corporate registries in finding the elusive beneficial owner,” was part of the Stolen Asset Recovery Project of the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime and World Bank, which focuses on preventing and recovering the proceeds of large scale government corruption.