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Keep track of your professional learning history

As the end of the fiscal year rolls around, it’s a good time to take stock of what you have learned over the last 12 months. If you have taken any training or attended any events from the Human Resources Professional Development Center, University Technology or Kelvin Smith Library, you can access a transcript with your learning history.

To access your history, visit and sign in using your CWRU ID and password. On this website, you will see a record of events, the dates they took place and the status of your attendance.

You also will be able to add external events that you have attended to your history. This allows you to keep a record of all the learning opportunities and knowledge you have acquired over time.

Examples of external events include:

  • Webinars
  • Seminars
  • Conferences
  • Trainings
  • Speeches
  • Workshops
  • University committee work

Through the “My Learning” page, you can:

  • Use this platform to create a portfolio that will keep track of all the education and learning experiences you have accomplished or encountered.
  • Print a list of completed trainings with descriptions to discuss with your supervisor.
  • Take a copy of your record to your next annual review as a foundation for the trainings you would like to plan for in the following year.

If you have any questions, contact Kelvin Smith Library at 216.368.6500, the University Technology Care Center at 216.368.2000 or the Human Resources Service Center at 216.368.6964.