Join moCa Cleveland for a special program on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

We invite you to spend Martin Luther King Jr. Day at moCa Cleveland, learning, making, and sharing experiences based on direct action. The following offerings are free and open to all.

11am – 12:30pm: Teach-In with Dr. Hasan Kwame Jeffries

Many of us know about Martin Luther King Jr. through a few soundbites or events, but there is far more to be learned from his strategic methods and goals. Join Dr. Hasan Kwame Jeffries, esteemed scholar of the Civil Rights movement, as he leads a special learning session that puts King into broader context, and explores various expressions of African-American protest and non-violent direct action since the 1960s.

12:30 – 1:30pm: Affirmative Political Sign-Making with Favianna Rodriguez

How can you use words and art to express the positive change that you want to see in your community and our world? Come work with and learn from celebrated artist and activist Favianna Rodriguez, co-editor of Reproduce and Revolt, who will lead this interactive art-making activity.

1:30 – 3:30pm: Protest, Petition, and Civil Disobedience

A For Freedoms Town Hall (Freedom of Expression)

Panelists: Favianna Rodriguez (artist, cultural organizer, and political activist), Emma Solkowicz (performance artist and anti-rape activist), Shakyra Diaz (Alliance for Safety and Justice), M. Carmen Lane (ATNSC: Center for Healing & Creative Leadership); Moderated by Dan Moulthrop (City Club) with special guest, Dr. Hasan Kwame Jeffries.

This special For Freedoms Town Hall explores the various methods and related outcomes of peaceful protest today. From organizing marches to creating obstructive performances that address serious issues, our panelists will share their goals and challenges around non-violent direct action. The discussion will explore both sanctioned approaches like petitioning as well as non-endorsed, even penalized activities as individual and collective ways to effect change. We invite participants from the community to come listen, ask questions, and share their experiences of this critical aspect of our democracy.

View the event details.