Autumn Beechler Stebing, director of education abroad in Case Western Reserve University’s Center for International Affairs, was recently selected to serve as chair-elect of the Education Abroad Knowledge Community of NAFSA: Association of International Educators.
NAFSA is the world’s largest nonprofit association dedicated to international education and exchange, serving the needs of more than 10,000 members and international educators worldwide at more than 3,500 institutions in more than 160 countries. The NAFSA Education Abroad Knowledge Community serves as a thought-leader for education abroad around the world, providing resources and expertise in all aspects of international education, including traditional study abroad as well as internships, service-learning, and research abroad.
“Autumn has proven herself to be a leader in the field of education abroad, putting students and educational quality in the forefront in her efforts to provide access to international experiences for all students,” said Molly Watkins, assistant provost for international affairs. “Her expertise and leadership skills will serve the field of education abroad while representing Case Western Reserve well.”
Beechler Stebing began working with education at Case Western Reserve 10 years ago and now oversees all elements of education abroad, supporting efforts to further internationalization and global citizenship on campus. She has been a member of NAFSA for the past decade and is the founder of the NAFSA group for Internships, Service Learning, and Research Abroad. She began her three-year appointment in the EAKC leadership stream in January.