Photo looking down at a person in a virtual meeting, taking notes and holding a cop of coffee

Increase collaboration with Zoom breakout rooms

Looking for a way to facilitate collaboration and teamwork in a virtual environment? Zoom Breakout Rooms can be used to increase participation and allow for small group conversations during an event or course.

This function enables you to create working groups, presentation rooms or separate help sessions. Hosts can pre-assign participants or students before the class begins or open the rooms during the meeting. The host and co-hosts can move between breakout rooms, send broadcast messages to everyone, and close the sessions so all participants return to the main meeting.

While in the rooms, members can share their screen, chat with the others and record the session. Participants may ask for help from the host or leave the room to rejoin the main session. 

Learn more on how to use this feature by visiting the breakout rooms page

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