Hear “How VARs Turn Into Billions” during upcoming Energy Alliance Speaker Series event

The 2012–13 Energy Alliance Speaker Series continues Sept. 19 with “The Grid: How VARs* Turn Into Billions.” During the talk, which begins at 3 p.m. in Nord Hall 310, Robert Busch, chairman of New Mexico Renewable Energy Transmission Authority will explain and explore the current use of the power distribution grid and how it will need to change.

For decades, the grid has operated with almost flawless precision, delivering vast quantities of electric power to homes, businesses and factories. Yet today, it is too often the bottleneck in the development of renewable energy resources. Why is it so hard to build high-voltage transmission when almost everyone says we need more? That’s what Busch hopes to answer during his Sept. 19 talk.

For more information and registration, visit energy.case.edu/events-speaker-series-Robert-Busch.

*VAR – Volt, Ampere, Reactive, a critical but little understood component of major power systems.