Hear about the energy industry at Feb. 16 talk with Dominion Energy Solutions executive

Mary C. Doswell Dominion Energy Solutions flyer
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Case Western Reserve University, the Society of Women Engineers and the Great Lakes Energy Institute will host a lunch and community dialogue by Mary C. Doswell, senior vice president of Dominion Energy Solutions.

Her talk, about the energy industry and her leadership and experience at one of the country’s largest energy companies, will be held Tuesday, Feb. 16, from noon to 1:15 p.m. in Tinkham Veale University Center, ballroom C.

She also will discuss how today’s students can prepare for jobs in a technology-focused global marketplace.

Doswell oversees Dominion’s retail organization and also is responsible for enhancing and expanding the company’s focus on “smart grid” technologies, transmission and distribution-related technologies, energy efficiency and alternative energy generation.

RSVP to Dean Gabay at dmg124@case.edu.