Give input for CWRU’s IT Strategic Plan at ice cream social today

From tackling coursework to building organizations, students use information technology (IT) each day to accomplish goals and exceed expectations. Now students have the opportunity to help shape the future of IT on campus. An IT Strategic Plan is being built for Case Western Reserve University, and student input is requested.

All students are invited to grab a scoop of ice cream, learn about Case Western Reserve University’s IT Strategic Plan and provide input directly to those who will assemble it. Sue B. Workman, vice president for Information Technology Services (ITS) and chief information officer, will join representatives of the IT Strategic Plan to chat with students and discover their vision for the university’s s future.

This ice cream social will be held today (Dec. 3) from 6 to 9 p.m. in the multipurpose room of the university’s new residence hall (1576 E. 115th St.).

Can’t make it for ice cream but have something to share? Complete the IT Strategic Survey online.