Funding for translational research of GI malignancies through the Case GI SPORE

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The Case Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Specialized Program of Research Excellence in Gastrointestinal Malignancies (GI SPORE) invites Case Western Reserve University faculty members to submit proposals to be considered for the Career Enhancement Program (CEP) Award and Developmental Research Project Grant (DRP).

Projects may be funded up to $50,000 in direct costs for one year each with the possibility of second-year funding pending outstanding progress and developments and subject to competitive review with all other pilot projects submitted at that time. Completed proposals must be submitted via InfoReady by May 8, 2020.

All faculty members may submit proposals to be considered for the SPORE Career Enhancement Program Award (CEP). All proposals must be directed toward translational research of a GI malignancy with at least one specific aim that involves the direct study of patients or human materials.

CEP proposal guidelines and application instructions

Faculty members with appointments of Assistant Professor or higher are invited to submit proposals to be considered for the GI SPORE Developmental Research Project Grant (DRP). Proposals will be considered for any GI malignancy with priority consideration given to proposals focused on non-colorectal GI malignancies and must have a translational research focus on GI cancer.

Developmental Research Projects in the area of pancreatic cancer are encouraged.

Although DRPs need not reach a human endpoint during the proposed project period, all projects must have a clearly defined translational potential.

See the DRP proposal guidelines and application instructions.

Learn more about GI SPORE.