audience listening to lecture

“From Siberia Speaks the World: Ethnographic Insights in Times of Change”

Susan Crate, professor of anthropology in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy at George Mason University, will present a talk, “From Siberia Speaks the World: Enthographic Insights in Times of Change,” on Jan. 27 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in room 2001 of the Mather Memorial Building.

Crate is an environmental and cognitive anthropologist on the forefront of anthropological research on climate change. Her research on local experiences and understandings of climate change in Viliui Sakha communities in Siberia resulted in her 2006 book, Cows, Kin, and Globalization: An Ethnography of Sustainability (AltaMira Press, 2006). In 2009, she co-edited Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Actions (Left Coast Press, Inc., 2009), and in 2016, the second volume, Anthropology and Climate Change: From Actions to Transformations. She also served on the American Anthropology Association’s Task Force on Climate Change.

The lecture, presented by the Department of Anthropology, is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.