PRCHN discussion to look at FreshLink research studies, programs

freshlinkThe Prevention Research Center for Healthy Neighborhoods (PRCHN) at Case Western Reserve University seminar series continues Oct. 8 with a presentation on FreshLink Initiative Affiliate’s ongoing projects, and an in-depth discussion of their intervention study with in-home childcare providers and defining healthful goals.

The presentation, titled “FreshLink – A Five Year Retrospective With a Look Into the Future,” will take place Wednesday, Oct. 8, from noon to 1:15 p.m. on the ground floor of the BioEnterprise Building.

FreshLink is a cluster of research studies centered on food policy and urban agriculture conducted in partnership with the PRCHN. Areas of study include perceptions and shopping patterns at Farmers’ Markets among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients; variations in grocers’ food availability and prices across the month in SNAP-dense neighborhoods; case studies of food policy; and studies to test the use of incentives for pregnant women to use farmers’ markets and testing the effect of nutrition navigators working with in-home childcare provides.

The intervention, known as The Healthy Village Healthy Child Initiative, will be the focus of the seminar. It is a 12-week intervention study in the working groups’ neighborhoods, testing the efficacy of nutrition navigators who work within-home childcare providers helping to set and meet goals in three areas: nutrition, physical activity and parental engagement.

PRCHN staff, community partners and providers engaged in the project, will jointly deliver the presentation. Posters of the FreshLink projects will also be available for viewing and discussion.

The PRCHN seminars are held the second Wednesday of every month. A light lunch is served.

Contact Kathy Kelly at for more information about the PRCHN seminar series.