Free carillon concerts to be held on Sundays in September

Three free Sunday afternoon concerts of carillon music will fill the air over University Circle this month. The concerts will be co-sponsored by the Friends of the McGaffin Carillon and the Church of the Covenant with support from the Cleveland Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. The concerts begin at 4:00 p.m. on 9/13, 9/20, and 9/27 and will be about one hour in length. The audience is invited to listen from their cars from the free parking lot in front of the tower or outside nearby.

Programs will be posted on the Friends of the McGaffin Carillon website a few days before the concert and can be accessed on your mobile devices during the concert at: McGaffin Carillon concerts are with the generous support of the Ohio Arts Council and the citizens of Cuyahoga County through Cuyahoga Arts and Culture.