The Staff Advisory Council and the Office of Human Resources will sponsor the fourth annual Steps4Staff 2-mile walk Friday, Sept. 20, from 3 to 5 p.m.
The walk will begin at Veale Center and continue throughout campus (rain site: Veale Center’s track). Registration (available online at is $15. All registered walkers will be given a water bottle.
Proceeds from the event benefit the SAC Staff Educational Enhancement Fund, which has awarded more than $25,000 to staff-development activities since its inception. Last year, the Staff Advisory Council’s Staff Training & Development Committee awarded more than $1,300 to staff members’ continuing education activities last year, including textbooks, certifications, on-line courses, off campus courses, or out-service training not funded through university benefits.
In addition, SEEF supports the newly formed Administrative Professionals Network, which offers a way for staff members to share information and resources available on campus. This peer network encourages career development and professional growth.
The idea of “staff helping staff” has helped sustain SEEF through events such as the Steps4Staff walk. To register for the walk, or to learn more about SEEF, visit