Flora Stone Mather Center for Women to hold discussions on family life

The Flora Stone Mather Center for Women will host Kelly Ward, professor and chair of the Department of Educational Leadership, Sport Studies and Emotional/Counseling Psychology at Washington State University, for two discussions Thursday, Nov. 12. The first session is geared toward faculty, while the second is oriented more toward students and staff.


“Work, Family and the Academic Profession: Leaning in? Backing out?” flyerThe first session, for faculty, is titled “Work, Family and the Academic Profession: Leaning in? Backing out?”

The session will focus on different aspects of family (and more generally life beyond work), academic careers and how things evolve throughout the career and different family stages. Participants will have the opportunity to look at different cases and discuss career decision making amid family and life obligations.

This session will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Tinkham Veale University Center, Suite 248.

Lunch will be provided at this session. Registration is available online.

Staff and Students

“Work, Family, and Academic Careers: Can They Get Along?” flyerThe second discussion, for students and staff, is titled “Work, Family, and Academic Careers: Can They Get Along?”

Drawing on data from a 15-year longitudinal study about work, family and academic life, this session will provide an overview of current research related to balancing work and family. This interactive session will provide students with an opportunity to discuss different aspects of academic careers. While there will be a focus on academic context, this session can be relevant for any career. The session will include a review of the different types of policies available at colleges and university that help make institutions and faculty life family friendly.

The second session will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the Tinkham Veale University Center, Suite 248.

Registration is available online.