Find out how to use student assessments at July 23 UCITE session

Most instructors often think of assessments as something only to be used at the very end of learning as a way to gauge a student’s success in their classes. But there are a number of other useful ways to think about assessments—both as a learning tool for students and for instructors.

Formative assessments, for instance, happen during the learning process, when it is to the student’s advantage to show what he/she understands—and doesn’t. Summative assessments, on the other hand, are useful at the end of the process, and force the student to show only those things he/she is confident of.

The next University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education (UCITE) session will address formative and summative assessments.

The session will be held Thursday, July 23, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Herrick Room of the Allen Memorial Medical Library (use the Adelbert Road doors).

Pizza, soda and water will be provided at this session. RSVP to