man stretching at desk

Find out how mindfulness can help you in the workplace

In the last decade, research supporting the benefits of mindfulness in the workplace has soared. Mindfulness has been shown to protect against anxiety, stress and depression. It also improves performance and decision-making, and it promotes learning, attention and self-control. But how does it all work? How and why should one, in the midst of their extremely busy workday, pause to make time for mindfulness?

Case Western Reserve University’s employee assistance program through IMPACT Solutions will offer an online seminar about mindfulness in the workplace.

Those who participate in the seminar will learn about the science behind this spiritual practice and discover mindfulness practices that can increase their overall success in the workplace.

To access the seminar:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the orange “Go to member login box.”
  3. At “MEMBER LOGIN”, enter Username. If you don’t remember the username, call 1.800.227.6007. It also is listed in the CWRU Impact Solutions brochure.
  4. Click the “SIGN IN” box.
  5. Click on the blue “WEBINAR” box.
  6. Under “December Webinar” select either “No Completion Certificate” to view anonymously or “Completion Certificate” if you want proof of having viewed the webinar.

The seminar will be available through December.