Are you a Faith Worker who works with/has worked with individuals who have lost an adult family member, loved one, or friend who died within the healthcare system (hospital, homecare, hospice, or nursing home) that was Black/African American? You may be eligible for a study of a program that could help researchers gain insight about your experiences.
You may Qualify if you:
-Are 18 years or older.
-Are of African American/Black descent.
-Presently work with these individuals or have worked with them in the past 5 years.
Participation Involves:
-Participating in an individual or group interview.-Revisiting your experience of working with loss and grief.
Potential Benefits:
-Participating in this study may help to improve complicated grief group therapy for diverse racial and ethnic individuals
Location: Virtually or via Telephone
Participants will be compensated.
Please contact Siobhan Aaron at 216-368-5748 or email