Enroll in “Bioethics in Environmental and Occupational Health” course

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Bioethics in Environmental and Occupational Health (BETH 350/450) is being offered in the spring on Thursdays 1:00-3:00 p.m. from January 16-March 6 for 1.5 credits. The course is being taught by Kathleen Fagan, MD, MPH, Adjunct Assistant Professor in Bioethics and former Medical Officer with OSHA, and Monica Gerrek, PhD, Associate Professor in Bioethics and Co-director of the Center for Biomedical Ethics at the MetroHealth System.

Guest lecturers include:

  • Craig Bates, MD, MS, EMS Division Director, The MetroHealth System
  • Maeve MacMurdo, MD, MPH, Pulmonary Medicine, Cleveland Clinic
  • David Margolius, MD, Director, Cleveland Department of Public Health
  • Karen Mulloy, DO, MSCH, Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine and DPQHS, CWRU SOM and the Swetland Center for Environmental Health
  • Tish O’Dell, Consulting Director, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund
  • Brandy Phipps, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Wilberforce University

Topics will include workplace violence against healthcare providers; lead in occupational and environmental health; air pollution; rights of natural objects; food sovereignty, Native American-Indigenous food traditions, and ethical engagement of communities.

Please reach out to Professor Gerrek, mlg86@case.edu, if you have any questions about the course.