Anant Madabhushi, the F. Alex Nason Professor II of Biomedical Engineering and director of The Center of Computational Imaging and Personalized Diagnostics, received the 2017 NephCure Kidney International (NKI) NEPTUNE Ancillary Study Award. The award was granted for “Foundational tool-box for the NEPTUNE Digital Pathology-based Analytic histo-omics interrogation platform.” The award provides $150,000 in funding for his one-year pilot study.
NKI was founded to support research seeking the cause of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and other diseases that cause primary nephrotic syndrome, improve treatment and find a cure.
The funded project will develop and apply novel machine learning tools for notation of structures within kidney pathology images. This will allow for construction of annotated kidney atlases and thus discovery of prognostic morphologic outcome signatures for FSGS.