Photo of people sorting canned food and bottled water into boxes

Donate to the Mandel Council Food and Supply Drive

The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences’ Mandel Council for Student Leadership has organized a Food and Supply Drive to benefit University Settlement and the Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry’s Men’s Shelter at 2100 Lakeside

The Mandel Council is an elected group of student leaders for the Mandel School student body. It is the head organization for many of the Mandel School’s student groups and connects the student body with other leadership opportunities.

In response to COVID-19, the Mandel Council realized that the families who relied on schools for food would now be responsible for providing all of those meals, while possibly also struggling with job loss. Additionally, with grocery stores being out of stock of necessary items, and anticipated delays in restock, they imagined a significant increase in need and a decreased availability of resources.

The drive was envisioned as a way to help the community centers that are staying open support those who are most vulnerable, all while respecting the social distancing recommendations.

“We hope that people with more means will be willing to purchase extra food and supplies to donate,” said Tiffany Mims, executive director of the Mandel Council. “We know it’s a struggle right now to focus on social service, but receiving even a few items per household would be tremendous.”

To donate, email or text 575.202.5008 and a volunteer will come to your home to pick up your donations. Social distancing protocols will be observed.

Read more to find out what items are needed.