Discuss collegiate discrimination case at Sept. 22 brown bag lunch

The Asian Women Faculty group and the Women Faculty Leadership Development Institute of the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women will host a brown bag discussion on discrimination at the collegiate level through the case of Dr. Lulu Sun vs. the University of Massachusetts.

Sun, associate professor of English at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, was denied promotion to full professor in 2004 and 2005. She presented facts to the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination that this denial was because she was Taiwanese and female. In 2011, Betty E. Waxman, a commission hearing officer, found that Sun had been unfairly assessed for promotion at the dean’s level and above.

The discussion will take place Monday, Sept. 22, from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women, located in Tinkham Veale University Center, room 248.

An online RSVP is requested.