What’s America’s future in space? Find out at Friday’s Public Affairs Discussion Group

Michael HeilThe weekly Public Affairs Discussion Group will continue this Friday with a talk titled “America’s Future in Space.”

Michael L. Heil, president and CEO of the Ohio Aerospace Institute and former director of the Center for Space Studies and Research at the Air Force Institute of Technology, will lead the discussion on Friday, Feb. 7, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the Dampeer Room at Kelvin Smith Library.

In this meeting, Heil will delve into the history and details of the U.S space program and address several relevant questions. Should space programs focus more on manned exploration, science, or military concerns? What about the growing reliance on private contractors for space flight? How can international cooperation fit in with the U.S.’s goals? The group will discuss these questions and more at Friday’s lunch.

Since 1989, faculty, emeriti, students and staff have gathered on Fridays for a brown-bag lunch and to discuss topics in public affairs.

For updates and more information about the Friday lunch schedule, visit fridaylunch.case.edu.

Contact joseph.white@case.edu for more information.