Discover how you can develop an influential presence in the classroom and beyond at next UCITE session

The next University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education (UCITE) session will address how to develop an influential presence, answering the following questions:

  • What is influence?
  • How can we develop and best use it?
  • How does it come into play in communicating to others, either in the classroom or outside?
  • How can we use emotional intelligence to help us in using this influence?
  • How can you use influence as part of the negotiating process?

Susan Freimark, acting director of the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women, and Sarah de Swart, interim director of UCITE, will discuss some of the central elements that go into making influential presentations, such as voice and body language.

Using a roundtable method, Friemark and de Swart will identify the most common issues for faculty and share strategies for success.

The session will be held Thursday, March 3, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Allen Memorial Medical Library’s Herrick Room (use Adelbert Road doors).

Pizza and sodas will be provided at this session. RSVP to