Photo of tables in a dining facility

Dine with a friend at select on-campus locations

Small group seating is now available on a first-come, first-served basis at select on-campus retail locations. Visitors to the dining areas in the Biomedical Research Building, Tomlinson Marketplace and Tinkham Veale University Center have the option to dine with a friend at designated tables.

At each location, designated tables for small group seating will be marked and will have two chairs at the table. Tables without additional chairs are reserved for individual seating. All tables will still be spaced to maintain 6 ft. distance between them.

All tables are cleaned between uses by staff and feature a red/green dot to indicate if they have been cleaned. If a table has a green dot on it, it has been cleaned and sanitized, and visitors are free to take a seat; if it has a red dot, it still needs to be cleaned, and diners should find a different location.