Dhamakapella information session and audition workshop

Meet Dhamakapella, Case Western Reserve University’s premier South Asian fusion a cappella team during an information session and audition workshop Monday, Aug. 26, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Hall Multipurpose Room.

Those who are interested in auditioning for Dhamakapella or learning more about the team are encouraged to attend.

Dhamakapella is an inclusive, nationally acclaimed South Asian fusion a cappella team that competes annually across the country in both the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella and Association of South-Asian A Cappella circuits.

This past April, they earned the title of All-American Awaaz National Champions for the third consecutive year with their set featuring hits such as “Red Desert” and “Mitwa.” 

Fill out the interest form to receive more information about auditions and any upcoming events.