De-Stress this semester at Next Level Fitness!

$4.00, 30-min. meditative classes (no changing required!)

Make your mental well-being a priority this semester. Next Level offers $4.00 Deep Pause (Wednesdays 1:00-1:30pm) and Guided Meditation classes (Mondays 9:30-10:00pm) every week.

Deep pause allows you to give yourself permission to pause with extended Savasana (restorative rest). Participate in guided deep breathing, relaxation and visualization techniques coupled with Indu hand/shoulder massage and eye pillows. Guided Meditation is practiced to candlelight, a soothing soundscape, and with incense to help center the mind and body, focusing on the space between the thoughts.

Both classes are Included with Next Level membership, or just $4 for drop in visitors. Changing is not required for either class. Come as you are and take 30-min for your mental health!

Choose the “Drop in $4 Rate” payment and schedule your classes.