CWRU to launch London and Jerusalem experiences in spring 2013

Case Western Reserve University next spring will launch two semester-long study abroad programs—one that will provide academic and performance opportunities at London’s acclaimed Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), and one that will offer internships and cultural experiences in Jerusalem.

The two programs will be offered each year to students from Case Western Reserve and other colleges and universities. The application deadline is Oct. 15. For details, visit or email

The London program, “Timemarks in European Theatre History,” will focus on changes in the theater from ancient times to the early 20th century. It is open to theater, history and literature majors.

The program developed from an ongoing collaboration between Ron Wilson, chair of the Department of Theater in the College of Arts and Sciences, and Geoff Bullen, RADA’s associate director. Every other spring, Bullen visits Cleveland to work with undergraduate theater students and with graduate students in the Case Western Reserve/Cleveland Play House MFA Acting Program.

This year, while Bullen was directing an MFA production of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale, Wilson approached him with an idea for a new study abroad opportunity. Students would spend a semester at RADA performing in a series of workshop productions, beginning with Greek drama and continuing with plays by Shakespeare, Moliere, and Bertold Brecht.

“I asked Geoff to develop a semester abroad program that would be more comprehensive than other programs, with a better balance between performance and academic work,” Wilson said. “I am extremely pleased with the outcome.”

An information session on the London program will e held Thursday, Sept. 20, in Tomlinson Hall 135 at 1 p.m.

The Jerusalem program, also initiated by the College of Arts and Sciences, was developed in partnership with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, one of the world’s most highly regarded research universities, with support from Masa Israel Journey. Open to students from all majors, the program will accept 10 undergraduates each year. Through the Rosenthal Student Endowment, participants from Case Western Reserve are eligible to each receive up to $5,000 to cover airfare and other expenses.

Students in the program will explore Jerusalem’s cultural history and other topics of their choice at Hebrew University’s Rothberg International School, where classes are taught in English. In addition, they will enjoy internship opportunities and receive intensive instruction in Hebrew.

To gain greater insight into Israeli society, the students will meet former Clevelanders and Case Western Reserve alumni living in Israel.

“The unique feature of both of these CWRU programs is they each offer some kind of experiential learning: the theater program offers performance opportunities, and the program to Jerusalem offers an internship experience,” said Molly Watkins, director of international affairs.

“We in the College of Arts and Sciences are very excited about these new study abroad programs, and exceedingly grateful to the donors who have made them possible,” said Cyrus C. Taylor, dean of the college and Albert A. Michelson Professor in Physics. “Such programs enhance the college’s international reach and provide wonderful opportunities for our students.”