CWRU Take Two set to begin June 7; Appreciative Time Off policy information

President Eric W. Kaler would like to remind staff of the Appreciative Time Off policy, which includes CWRU Take 2 and additional paid time off in certain years during the Juneteenth and/or Fourth of July holidays.

  • CWRU Take 2: Beginning next Friday, June 7, employees in participating departments may depart their offices at 3 p.m. on Fridays during the months of June and July.
  • Juneteenth and Fourth of July holidays: When either of these holidays falls on a Tuesday or Thursday, the adjoining Monday or Friday also will be considered paid time off for eligible staff. When these holidays fall on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, the university only will close for the holiday. In 2024:
    • Juneteenth falls on a Wednesday, so the university only will close on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. No additional paid time off will be granted for the Juneteenth holiday in 2024. 
    • The Fourth of July falls on a Thursday, so eligible staff will receive Thursday, July 4, and Friday, July 5, 2024, as paid time off. The paid time off on Friday, July 5, 2024, will not go against your accrued vacation time. 

As always, be sure to check with your supervisors and review the Appreciative Time Off policy, as certain university departments/units must continue to provide coverage during holidays and paid days off. We hope these changes enable eligible staff to enjoy more time celebrating with family and friends.