CWRU Hacker Society to host student-run conference, Link-State 2014, Sept. 20

hacker societyThe Case Western Reserve University Hacker Society will host its third annual student-run conference, Link-State 2014, on Saturday, Sept. 20 in Hovorka Atrium.

If you’re interested in user experience, tech entrepreneurship, security, testing, software architecture and design, and other similar topics, be sure to be in attendance.

If you don’t know what these topics but wish you did, come find out. All majors and all tech experience levels are welcome to hang out with them for the day.
Tickets are $5  for students ($10 for non-students). Admission gets you all day food, a t-shirt and access to all of the talks.

Tickets can be ordered at A full list of speakers and bios can be found at

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