Color the Dittrick Museum’s collection and share your creations on social media

DittrickColoringBook_Page_07Grab your crayons, markers and colored pencils and join the Dittrick Museum of Medical History in the #ColorOurCollections project Feb. 1-5.

Launched by the New York Academy of Medicine, the project asks institutions across the country to create coloring pages of their collections and make them available to patrons to share their colorful creations on social media.

Catherine Osborn, PhD candidate in medical anthropology and research assistant and Instagram manager at the Dittrick Museum, selected images from the rare collection to use for the museum’s take on the project.

The university community is invited to print the pages and share their hand-colored artwork online with the hashtag #ColorOurCollections and tag @DittrickMuseum.

Download the coloring book to get started now.

Learn more about the project online at