Cognitive science’s Fey Parrill earns recognition for paper published in Ecopsychology

Photo of Fey Parrill
Fey Parrill

Fey Parrill, professor and chair of the Department of Cognitive Science at the College of Arts and Sciences, recently won the Rosalind Franklin Society (RFS) Awards in Science for her paper “Revisioning Cognitive Science Through Holistic Science, Biophilia, and Indigenous Ways of Knowing,” published in Ecopsychology.

The RFS award recognizes outstanding peer-reviewed research by women and underrepresented minorities. Rosalind Franklin’s work was crucial in the discovery of DNA structure by James Watson and Francis Crick. As the RFS website notes: “Franklin symbolizes progress for women in science but her accomplishments were not recognized during her lifetime, awarded posthumously, nor are they completely acknowledged today.”

Learn more about the honor.