“Clinical Translation of Brain Computer Interface”

Members of the Case Western Reserve University community are invited to join the Cleveland FES Center for the first seminar of the fall 2024 Neural Prosthesis Seminar Series. Riki Banerjee, chief technology officer of Synchron, will present “Clinical Translation of Brain Computer Interface” Thursday, Sept. 12, from 2 to 3 p.m. in the Sears think[box] Community Room.

Synchron is on a journey to commercialize the first implantable brain computer interface. During this presentation, Banerjee will share the journey of clinical translation and how Synchron is taking its technology from bench and small-scale research studies to a scalable product that can benefit millions.

The Neural Prosthesis Seminar Series brings together researchers, scientists, clinicians and students to encourage the exchange of scientific information on global emerging neuromodulation and neurostimulation topics.

Register to attend.