The 2018 fall/winter edition of Case Western Reserve University’s Think magazine is now available at numerous locations around campus, including in academic buildings and at the Tinkham Veale University Center.
The online version is a click away at
The magazine, published twice a year, offers intriguing, compelling and surprising stories about the university community—both on campus and beyond.
All the features in this issued focused on the university’s entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem.
The issue features:
The Ecosystem Edge
Inside Sears think[box]
Peek into our illustration of the seven-story Larry Sears and Sally Zlotnick Sears think[box], an innovation center open to the campus community and the public. It is a focal point of the university’s entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem.
Read “Inside Sears think[box].”
Road Map to the Heart
Two graduate students turned entrepreneurs transformed a medical breakthrough from a lab project into a clinical tool. Years later, Medtronic bought the company they co-founded for $93 million.
Sending Discoveries into the World
Faculty members are transforming research into consumer and clinical uses.
Read “Sending Discoveries into the World.”
Other stories include:
Meet New Provost Ben Vinson III

A historian and former dean, he’s eager to tell the university’s larger story
Read the profile of Provost Ben Vinson III.
Core Mystery
What we know—and don’t—about what’s at the center of the Earth
Studying Difficult Conversations
Researchers examine how oncologists, patients and families connect—or don’t
Read “Studying Difficult Conversations.”
Sleep-Disordered Breathing
Study examines risk children face
Read “Sleep-Disordered Breathing.”
Protecting Speech
New law clinic defends First Amendment rights
The Experience Economy Revisited
Why an acclaimed concept still resonates two decades later
Read “The Experience Economy Revisited.”
A Legacy of Activism
The African American Society turns 50
Stories about alumni include:
Give Her Props

Making illusions reality at NYC’s Signature Theatre
Making the Difficult Possible
Empowering communities in Africa
Read “Making the Difficult Possible.”
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