Weatherhead School’s Mariana Carrera co-presents at National Bureau of Economic Research institute August 4, 2013Mariana Carrera, assistant professor of economics, presented at the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Summer Institute in Cambridge,...Publications & Presentations·
Professor Peter Gerhart publishes article for law review’s fracking symposium August 4, 2013Peter Gerhart, professor of law, recently published an article for the Case Western Reserve Law Review’s fracking symposium....Publications & Presentations·
Law’s Jonathan Adler testifies before Congress on the Affordable Care Act August 4, 2013As the federal government works to implement the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as...Publications & Presentations·
Law’s Jessie Hill presents on law, religion at Stanford and BYU August 1, 2013Jessie Hill, associate dean for Faculty Development and Research, presented her paper, “Anatomy of the Reasonable Observer,” at...Publications & Presentations·
Martha Woodmansee presents on authors in the entertainment franchise era August 1, 2013Martha Woodmansee, professor of English and law, recently presented her paper, titled “The Author Function in the Era...Publications & Presentations·
Physics’ Robert Brown invited as eminent scholar to lecture in China August 1, 2013Robert W. Brown, Distinguished University Professor and Institute Professor in the Department of Physics, was invited as an...Publications & Presentations·
Law’s Charles Korsmo presented his paper at multiple conferences July 11, 2013Charles Korsmo, assistant professor of law, presented his paper titled “The Law and Economics of Merger Litigation: Do...Publications & Presentations·
English’s T. Kenny Fountain publishes article in 60th anniversary issue of “Intercom” magazine July 11, 2013T. Kenny Fountain, assistant professor of English, had his article, “Preparing for the Future by Looking to the...Publications & Presentations·
SAGES fellow Barbara Burgess-Van Aken edits, translates bilingual book July 2, 2013SAGES fellow Barbara Burgess-Van Aken edited and translated a book, Partenia, a Pastoral Play, by Barbara Torelli Benedetti....Publications & Presentations·
Law’s Tim Webster presented at several faculty workshops, international conferences July 2, 2013Tim Webster, assistant professor of law, gave talks on China’s World Trade Organization compliance at various forums. He...Publications & Presentations·