Geologist Ralph Harvey leads expedition to Antarctica December 6, 2011At the bottom of the world, a controversial search for cosmic leftovers The Washington Post: For the 21st...Media·
Ahmad Khalil discusses new research on RNAs December 6, 2011Missing lincs Science News: Scientists have recently begun identifying the “long intergenic noncoding RNAs,” which are lesser-known genetic...Media·
Claudia Coulton says many don’t know how to get poverty assistance December 6, 2011The new poor: Situational poverty on the rise locally Fremont News-Messenger: The economy has forced more people into...Media·
Medicine professors explain holiday heart syndrome December 2, 2011Holiday heart syndrome—what you should know Balanced Living: This time of year, hospital physicians see an uptick in...Media·
Gingrich, Romney have similar environmental plans, says Jonathan Adler December 2, 2011Newt Gingrich recycles Mitt Romney’s environment agenda Politico: Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney’s stances on energy and environmental...Media·
NY Times says Uptown project is University Circle’s new downtown December 2, 2011Cleveland turns Uptown into new downtown The New York Times: The Uptown project is described as a “new...Media·
Deepak Sarma blogs on Huffington Post about Ramayana “censorship” December 2, 2011Censoring Ramanujan’s essay on Ramayana: Intolerant Hindus and confusing texts The Huffington Post: Oxford University Press recently decided...Media·
Laura Tartakoff says headless chicken at Justice Center likely “religious practice” December 2, 2011Headless chicken left at Justice Center most likely a ‘religious practice’ Fox 8: A headless chicken was found...Media·
Dermatology’s Neil Korman explains psoriasis December 2, 2011Understanding psoriasis The Plain Dealer: In a NetWellness column, Neil J. Korman, professor of dermatology, explained causes, types...Media·
Scott Shane’s research on entrepreneurs, home equity loans cited in NYT December 2, 2011Why it’s getting harder, and riskier, to bet the house The New York Times: For some time, entrepreneurs...Media·