National Additive Manufacturing Innovative Institute mentioned in State of the Union February 13, 2013The National Additive Manufacturing Innovative Institute in Youngstown: What is it? The Plain Dealer: In Tuesday’s State of...Media·
Weatherhead volunteers to help Cuyahoga County residents file taxes for free February 6, 2013Cuyahoga: Free tax return prep for income $49k or less WKYC: Weatherhead School of Management volunteers will help...Media·
Provost emeritus Daniel Harvey Buchanan donates rare furniture to Cleveland Museum of Art February 6, 2013Cleveland Museum of Art acquires a rare piece of Colonial American furniture worth millions The Plain Dealer: Daniel...Media·
English’s Jim Sheeler discusses importance of giving a voice to the voice-less February 5, 2013CWRU students give a voice to the voice-less Jim Sheeler, the Shirley Wormser Professor of Journalism and...Media·
CWRU receives $1.5 million grant for algae research February 5, 2013Millions of research dollars go to Ohio scientists studying algae The Columbus Dispatch: Over the past few years,...Media·
Severity of uncommon condition differs case by case, says dermatology’s Neil Korman February 4, 2013Flaherty’s skin condition uncommon, but generally can be brought under control The Canadian Press: The Canadian federal finance...Media·
Glenn Starkman gives advice on having a successful sabbatical February 4, 2013Five steps to a successful sabbatical Science: Glenn Starkman, professor of physics and astronomy, is on sabbatical at...Media·
Psychology’s Julie Exline examines shadows in psychological and spiritual lives February 4, 2013Gifts of the shadow Psychology Today: In a recent blog, Julie Exline, associate professor of psychology, looks at...Media·
Latisha James organizes event for mental health awareness February 4, 2013Cleveland council member Joe Cimperman tells of family mental illness in hopes of increasing funding in Cuyahoga County...Media·
Sherwin-Williams is exceptionally well-run, says Weatherhead’s Scott Fine February 4, 2013Sherwin-Williams caps off a record $9.5 billion in sales for 2012 with even better news for 2013 The...Media·