Astronomy’s Stacy McGaugh discusses Low Surface Brightness galaxies January 2, 2014Astronomers still puzzle over ‘low surface brightness’ galaxies Forbes: Stacy McGaugh, professor of astronomy, discussed the puzzling Low...Media·
Possible error found by Law’s Jonathan Adler could unravel ACA December 20, 2013The case that could topple Obamacare Newsweek: In 2011, Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law, believed...Media·
Law’s Craig Nard weighs in on the Patent Power Index December 20, 2013Patent power: Strong ideas start here Crain’s Cleveland Business: Craig Nard, the Tom J.E. and Bette Lou Walker Professor...Media·
Kids with the common cold don’t need a doctors’ visit, says Medicine’s Sharon B. Meropol December 18, 2013Kids’ coughs, colds may last weeks but don’t need drugs Reuters: Sharon B. Meropol, assistant professor of pediatrics,...Media·
Psychology’s Julie Exline recommends comparing yourself to you, not others December 18, 2013How to stop the friend comparathon Self: Julie Exline, associate professor of psychology, discussed how people should move...Media·
Researchers use neural prosthetics to study brain injury December 18, 2013Neural prosthetic is a “bridge” over damaged brain areas IEEE Spectrum: Researchers from Case Western Reserve University and...Media·
Chemical engineering’s Mohan Sankaran discusses new method of creating nanodiamonds December 16, 2013Nanodiamonds are a researcher’s best friend The Columbus Dispatch: Mohan Sankaran, associate professor of chemical engineering, developed a...Media·
Nursing’s Michael Decker discusses the negative impact of caffeine on sleep, studying December 16, 2013All-nighters and caffeine may not help during finals week, professor says: Higher education roundup The Plain Dealer: Michael...Media·
Psychiatrist Sylvia Rimm discusses competition in childhood, success in later life December 12, 2013How to tell if your child is too competitive In her study, Sylvia Rimm, clinical professor of...Media·
Kelvin Smith Library’s Jared Bendis discusses Bitcoin, Amazon drones December 12, 2013‘Annie’, Jared Bendis and Bobby Jackson Ideastream: Jared Bendis, creative new media officer at Kelvin Smith Library, discussed...Media·