Weatherhead School’s Susan Helper explains the effect higher wages have on employees April 3, 2017Minimum-wage hike, job training are focus of efforts to close pay gap The Columbus Dispatch: Susan Helper, the...Media·
Law’s Erik Jensen discusses President Donald Trump’s pledge to donate earnings to charity April 3, 2017Trump’s camp made three big promises to donate money to charity. What happened? The Washington Post: Erik Jensen,...Media·
Discover rock legend Chuck Berry’s connection to CWRU April 3, 2017Rock legend Chuck Berry dead at 90 Discover the life and career of Chuck Berry and his...Media·
Weatherhead School’s J.B. Silvers discusses the GOP’s health care replacement bill April 3, 2017CWRU health care expert scores the House GOP’s Obamacare replacement ideastream: J.B. Silvers, the John R. Mannix Medical Mutual...Media·
English’s Michael Clune writes about eye contact in new short story April 3, 2017Ways of seeing Harper’s Magazine: Michael Clune, professor of English, writes about eye contact in his short story,...Media·
Law’s Jonathan Adler weighs in on Chevron deference under the Trump administration April 3, 2017Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Skeptical Of Federal Agency Power NPR: Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law,...Media·
Distinguished University Professor Glenn Starkman discusses galaxy location, distance perception in space April 3, 2017Cosmological ruler could help us get the measure of dark energy New Scientist: Glenn Starkman, Distinguished University Professor of...Media·
CWRU uses new virtual reality technology to view the human body differently April 3, 2017Augmented and virtual reality to see aggressive growth by 2021 Computer World: Case Western Reserve University uses new virtual...Media·
Baker-Nord Center’s Peter Knox discusses how cuts to national endowments could affect research April 3, 2017Cleveland arts and humanities leaders deplore Trump’s proposal to cut national endowments Peter Knox, professor of classical...Media·
Law’s Jonathan Adler examines the effects of reducing EPA budget April 3, 2017US science agencies face deep cuts in Trump budget Nature: Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of...Media·