Law’s Jonathan Adler weighs in on politicization of Supreme Court justices April 6, 2017Supreme Court justices await Senate nuclear option CNN: Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law, weighed...Media·
CWRU collaborates on study of microgrids in downtown Cleveland April 6, 2017Cleveland State University and Case Western Reserve to study better ways to deliver energy The Plain Dealer: Case...Media·
Biology’s Sarah Diamond and Ryan Martin discuss study on urban ant adaption April 6, 2017What makes a city ant? Maybe just 100 years of evolution The New York Times: Sarah Diamond and...Media·
Biomedical engineering’s Bolu Ajiboye discusses research on restoring movement of paralyzed man’s hand April 6, 2017Paralyzed man uses experimental device to regain hand movements CNN: Case Western Reserve University researchers led a study...Media·
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing researchers study effectiveness of flight nurse training April 6, 2017Helicopter simulator effective for flight nurse training Air Med and Rescue Magazine: In a study published on the...Media·
History’s John Grabowski discusses impact of World War I on Cleveland’s economy April 6, 2017100 years ago, U.S. entry into bloody World War I changed everything The Plain Dealer: John Grabowski, the...Media·
Ian Charnas, Dean Jeffrey Duerk discuss think[box] April 6, 2017Think[box] takes students out of the box Cleveland 19 News: Ian Charnas, manager of the Larry Sears and...Media·
Former President of Mexico Vicente Fox to speak on campus April 3, 2017Vicente Fox, former president of Mexico and sharp critic of Donald Trump, to speak at Case Western Reserve...Media·
Law’s Jonathan Adler explains why he thinks property rights should be expanded April 3, 2017How the U.S. protects the environment, from Nixon to Trump The Atlantic: Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial...Media·
Baker-Nord Center’s Peter Knox writes about meanings Virgil’s Aeneid takes on in today’s context April 3, 2017In today’s anti-immigrant rhetoric, echoes of Virgil’s Aeneid The Conversation: Peter Knox, the Eric and Jane Nord Family Professor...Media·