Susan Helper fact checks job creation numbers from White House June 10, 2011Chair of Economics Susan Helper helps fact check a White House representative’s statement on job creation: Economic adviser...Media·
Discussing creating a safe home with environmental health sciences professor Dorr Dearborn June 9, 2011Discussing creating a safe home with environmental health sciences professor Dorr Dearborn: Healthy Homes, Happy Family, WCPN Sound...Media·
Law professor Richard Gordon on the abuses of power in the IMF June 9, 2011School of Law professor Richard Gordon weighs in on the abuses of power in the IMF: Dominique Strauss-Kahn:...Media·
School of Law professor Jessie Hill testifies in Cuyahoga County court June 9, 2011School of Law professor Jessie Hill testifies in court: Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Steven Terry testifies he...Media·
Chemistry professor featured in article about immigrants growing Cleveland economy June 9, 2011Clemens Burda, associate professor of chemistry, featured in an article on immigrants growing economies: Highly skilled immigrants may...Media·
PRCHN study finds cigar smoking by middle schoolers is on the rise June 8, 2011A survey by the Prevention Research Center for Healthy Neighborhoods finds cigar smoking among seventh and eighth graders...Media·
Engineering professor says there isn’t a shortage of energy June 8, 2011Iwan Alexander, Cady Staley Professor of Engineering and chair of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, says...Media·
Political scientist Robert Binstock says age is a factor in the political debate on Medicare June 7, 2011Political scientist Robert Binstock says age is a factor in the political debate on Medicare: Between Young and...Media·
At Case Western Reserve University, fresh, sustainable food is a priority June 7, 2011At Case Western Reserve University, fresh, sustainable food is a priority: What Works: Case Western Reserve University Farm,...Media·
University web developer talks to PC Today June 7, 2011Senior web developer Gina Prodan talks about how and why websites can suffer common disasters and what they...Media·