What legacy will you leave at CWRU? Student leaders share their thoughts April 22, 2024Case Western Reserve University students shape their peers’ college experiences—and create change for those who will come after...FeaturedUniversity News·
“Can I still take that?”: Expert insights on cleaning out your medicine cabinet April 19, 2024From over-the-counter pain relievers to orange prescription pill bottles, chances are your bathroom shelves carry their fair share...FeaturedUniversity News·
Meet some of the students presenting their research at Intersections April 18, 2024On Friday, April 19, more than 500 undergraduate students at Case Western Reserve University will take to the...FeaturedUniversity News·
First-time donors help fuel strong Day of Giving results April 17, 2024Editor’s note: A previous version of this story reported incomplete data. The story has been updated with the...FeaturedGiftsUniversity News·
New research from Case Western Reserve University aims to block tumor growth in colorectal cancer patients April 16, 2024School of Medicine awarded five-year, $1.84M grant from National Institutes of Health’s National Cancer Institute Researchers at Case Western...AwardsFaculty & StaffFeaturedHealth & Wellness·
With nearly $3 million in grants, Mellon Foundation extends support for humanities students April 15, 2024When it launched in 2015, the Cleveland Humanities Collaborative sought to build on the academic work of high-performing...FeaturedUniversity News·
Research team led by Case Western Reserve awarded $2.75M from Department of Defense to advance clot-stabilizing nanotechnology April 12, 2024The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has awarded a team of researchers led by Case Western Reserve University...FeaturedHealth & WellnessResearch·
New study shows effect of socio-economic factors—housing, food, neighborhood—to predict diabetic patients’ risk of heart failure April 11, 2024A recent study by Case Western Reserve University used national data from U.S. military veterans with diabetes to validate and...FeaturedHealth & WellnessResearch·
CWRU to collaborate with Microsoft on AI in education, research April 10, 2024After a decade as partners advancing augmented reality in higher education, Case Western Reserve and Microsoft will once...FeaturedUniversity News·
U.S. News & World Report ranks some CWRU graduate, professional programs April 9, 2024Methodology changes lead to range of shifts in newest rankings In its first round of 2025 rankings of...FeaturedRankingsUniversity News·